"Serbairou 514 — 5+1+4 = 10
Fortin de Blanchefort 544 — 5+4+4 = 13
Bazel 564 — 5+6+4 = 15
Entrée de Rennes 268 — 2+6+8 = 16
Cardou 796 — 7+9+6 = 22
Several phenomenon must be associated in the heart of the reader. Thus becoming obsessed with the repetition in several reprises of "la foudre et l’éclair".
Stopping at pages 119 and 124 he finds an invitation to approach these manifestation of the sums previously cited. He remarks that the ascendant cortege of summits thus calculated permits the drawing of a lightning, or rather the fragments of a lightning. The number 22 is then placed on the highest summit in Rennes, on the Cardou, the goddess of the doors (hinges): Cardea.
He meditates afterwards at the 114 page of the book with the 22 lames or tunics of the Egyptian tarot. The result is encouraging: the altitude 796 (7+9+6) gives 22, the last arcane of the tarot, le Mat…".
The Page references Plantard gives in this extract are from LVLC. Later on in the preface… he adresses the devise IN HOC SIGNO VINCES (par ce signe tu vaincras)"
"PAR CE SIGNE TU LE VAINCRAS To the 20 letters of the devise, 2 letters were added in order to obtain the number 22 of the tarot, the one that forms the "éclair", the added letters are the 13th and 14th, thus 1314. "
Extract from Plantards Preface to La Vraie Langue Celtique (Edition Belfont).
What does all this mean?