UPLOADED 17.00 [12/03/2018]

As you know i like to follow with great interest our fellow French researchers into this local mystery. French researcher lea rosi  yesterday posted a most interesting message from HERE regarding some interesting information about our famous Abbe Delmas. She wrote that -

"When we look at Antoine Delmas, we realize that he was very far from a simple country priest. Ordained a priest by Nicolas Pavillon in 1669 and appointed curate of RlB in 1672, he is quoted often in our case for his manuscript 'Antiquities of the Baths of Montferrand' commonly referred to as the baths of Rennes' written in 1709. About his family life, he comes down almost to his nephew Antoine, who will replace him at the rectory of the baths. In reality, life is much more interesting as you might think.. Born October 9, 1644, Antoine Delmas is the son of Jean Delmas described as "Bourgeois de Caudiès' (Department 66) in the parish registers:In addition, when viewing the "consulte l'Armorial général des personnes, des domaines, compagnies, corps et communautés de Charles d'Hozier;[the Armorial general people, areas, companies, bodies and communities of Charles of Hozier]  we discover that the Arms of Abbe Delmas are described as below:If you take the time to dig a little deeper into this clergyman's life, we learn that his brother Bernard (father of Antoine Delmas nephew of the first), a merchant in Limoux, married in October 1671 Marie Rommette, Mr. Rommette parent, royal notary of Limoux has written for Hautpoul family acts ;Marie Rommette was born in Limoux 20 September 1649 and for godparents...Well yes it is Marc Antoine Dupuy and Anne Delsol. If this new information with the fact that Antoine Delmas (uncle), brother-in-law of Marie Rommette, will attend the burial of Anne Delsol, in 1705, in the tomb of the Lords of RlC, is highlighted you can predict, therefore, relationships of a different nature between Dupuy/Delsol and Antoine Delmas as those maintained between noble parishioners and a simple country priest.

I agree with a responder who said "Just a congratulations to Lea, ARX PM and others.  Your work give depth and consistency to our vision of what was going on in the Razès in the 17th and 18th centuries. Knowledge of all these links between the characters and their families will not fail to bring a better understanding of this matter."