Rhedesium: Have you been able to refine the device you call the 681 Armature?
PK: Yes, there have been many refinements since the last interview. Perhaps the most interesting was to discover that the Armature is, in part, what is known as a Greek analemma. Analemmas are described by Vitruvius in his Ten Books on Architecture. Their primary utility is in the design of sundials and solar observatories, such as those found at the cathedral of San Petronio (Bologna, Italy) and the church of Saint Sulpice (Paris.) An analemma graphically describes the obliquity of the earth at a certain latitude and the resulting winter and summer solstices. The analemma described by the 681 Armature is specific to the latitude of Paris, and is quite accurate. I had suspected the possibility of an analemma, but only discovered how it works very recently.
Rhedesium: Have you more information on the 'arcane tradition' of this Armature which you say dates back to the 1640's.?
PK: In the previous interview I mention that we can deduce the armature dates to at least the 1640’s because of its use in the chancel design of Saint Sulpice and reemerges again in 1727 when the Languet de Gergy requested the installation of the gnomon at the church. It goes silent again until Abbe Boudet publishes La Vraie Langue Celtique where he has subtlety hinted at its structure, including precise internal angles.
It is the discovery of Boudet’s understanding of the device that I have found most intriguing because this demonstrates the device had local importance to Rennes-les-Bains…decades before Plantard and his friends showed up on the scene.
Rhedesium: Are you any nearer to the answer of the question we asked last time - why is the Armature so important?
PK: I have my suspicions, but that is all. Recent developments have included many refinements in the mapping scheme proposed by the dossiers. I suspect that whatever is (or was) hidden in environs of Rennes-les-Bains is of primary importance. I have a few ideas about what that might be. I strongly suspect it is a former Roman Mithraeum, discovered by later inhabitants and then converted for other uses, perhaps for the storage of artifacts, documents, or human remains. I have no idea if there is still anything there. One thought is that whatever was there may have been moved to Saint Sulpice.
Rhedesium: Have you refined the role of the 1960's Priory of Sion?
PK: It appears to me that the 1960’s Priory was likely a front for the real tradition, whatever that tradition was (Rosicrucian, Martinist, Masonic, etc.) As for a centuries old Priory, I have no evidence of its continued existence. Perhaps the purpose of the 1960’s Priory was specifically to release the information hidden in the Parchments and other files of the dossiers. They did this cryptically, and hid those truths within a good deal of misdirection, but once the authentic threads are teased out, they are evident, and sophisticated in a way not previously suspected.
Rhedesium: Have you been able to elaborate on what you believe Henri Boudet's role may be?
PK: I have mentioned that Boudet was aware of the Armature and the mapping scheme later hinted at in the dossiers. He describes elements of it in La Vraie Langue Celtique, albeit cryptically. His map provides the most solid evidence, but there are textual clues too. Therefore, we know that Boudet knew of the hidden location. He seems to suggest it is associated with an important burial and even associates it with resurrection, whatever he meant by that.
Rhedesium: Have you secured independant valuations of your findings from academics?
PK: Yes, elements have been seen by various academics including three art historians and an expert in solar astronomy. Details will follow when I publish.
Rhedesium: When do you aim to publish now?
PK: While I have written an introduction, completed hundreds of illustrations, and written several chapters I have no definitive timeline for publication. I lead an enormously busy professional life, and can only work on the project bits at a time. I am thinking perhaps mid-summer of 2015, but this will depend on the pace of discovery, which has always been slow.